One of the most renowned and eagerly anticipated telco events in the Pacific Islands, PITA (Pacific Islands Telecom Association) 2023, is scheduled to take place from May 29 to June 1 at the Hilton Port Moresby in Nadi, Papua New Guinea, and Panamax will be there as a Gold Sponsor. The event brings people together in its mission to give the top telecommunications players in the Pacific Islands a forum to discuss relevant issues, develop solutions, offer training and education, serve as a regular venue for meetings, and speak for the Pacific region in the global communications ecosystem.
Our team of experts will showcase our cutting-edge consulting, managed services, and digital financial solutions. Additionally, we will demonstrate our advanced switching, unified billing, revenue assurance, fraud management, traffic monitoring, and other fraud-resistant telecom solutions.
PITA provides a great platform to contact business leaders in the Pacific Islands region. As a Gold Sponsor, our expert professionals from Panamax will take this opportunity to interact with Pacific Islands business leaders, partners, and new clients.
Visit booth #5 to learn more about Panamax market-leading telecom solutions and services, such as our SMS Firewall, Automated Carrier Platform (BridgeVoice Pluto), Global Voice and A2P Messaging, Subscriber Monetization Platforms, and our flagship Digital Financial Suite, MobiFin.
Let’s Catch up at PITA 2023!